How to Fix a Cracked Computer Screen: A Comprehensive Guide


  1. Introduction
  2. The common problem of a cracked computer screen
  3. Importance of addressing the issue promptly
  4. Overview of the article’s approach


  1. Assessing the Damage
  2. Identifying the extent of the crack
  3. Checking for underlying issues
  4. Backing up important data


III. Temporary Solutions

  1. Using clear tape or screen protectors
  2. Adjusting display settings for usability
  3. Using an external monitor as a temporary workaround


  1. DIY Screen Repair (for minor cracks)
  2. Necessary tools and materials
  3. Step-by-step instructions for patching minor cracks
  4. Safety precautions and considerations


  1. Professional Screen Repair
  2. Researching and selecting a reputable repair service
  3. Cost considerations and potential warranties
  4. What to expect during the repair process


  1. Prevention Tips
  2. Protective measures to avoid future damage
  3. Proper cleaning and maintenance
  4. Choosing a durable laptop or computer screen


VII. Conclusion

  1. Recap of key points
  2. The importance of addressing cracked screens promptly
  3. Encouragement for readers to take action and seek solutions



When someone searches for information on “How to Fix a Cracked Computer Screen,” their intent typically falls into one of several categories:

  1. Problem-Solving Intent: Many users searching for this topic are likely facing the immediate issue of a cracked computer screen. They seek step-by-step guidance on addressing the problem through DIY repairs, temporary solutions, or professional help.
  2. DIY Enthusiast Intent: Some individuals have a DIY mindset and prefer to take matters into their own hands when repairing their devices. They are likely looking for detailed instructions, tool recommendations, and tips to fix their cracked screen at home.
  3. Cost-Conscious Intent: Repairing a cracked screen can be costly, especially when relying on professional services. Some users may be searching for ways to save money by exploring DIY options or looking for competitive pricing information for professional repairs.
  4. Preventative Intent: Another group of searchers might be interested in preventing future screen damage. They may seek advice on protective measures, screen cleaning techniques, or guidance on selecting durable devices.
  5. Information Gathering: Some individuals might not have a cracked screen at the moment but want to gather knowledge on how to handle such a situation in case it occurs in the future. They are looking for general information and guidance.

In addition to seeking information on fixing a cracked computer screen, users with this intent may also be interested in purchasing various tools and materials necessary for screen repair or maintenance. Here are some additional things they might want or purchase:

  1. Replacement Screens: Users with DIY repair intentions would likely search for replacement screens compatible with their specific computer models. They may consider factors such as screen size, brand, and price.
  2. Screwdriver Sets: DIY enthusiasts often need specialized screwdriver sets, including precision screwdrivers, to open and work on their devices.
  3. Anti-static Mats and Wrist Straps: These are essential for individuals concerned about damaging sensitive electronic components while performing repairs. They may purchase anti-static kits to ensure safe handling of their devices.
  4. Cleaning Supplies: Users interested in screen maintenance and cleanliness may purchase microfiber cloths, screen cleaning solutions, and isopropyl alcohol to keep their screens in top condition.
  5. Double-Sided Adhesive Tape: Those attempting DIY screen replacements would require double-sided adhesive tape to secure the new screen.

Overall, users searching for information on fixing cracked computer screens have a range of intentions, from addressing immediate issues to gaining knowledge on prevention and maintenance. Their purchase decisions will depend on their specific needs and preferences, whether to repair a cracked screen themselves, seek professional help, or maintain their devices to prevent future damage.


Your computer is your gateway to the digital world, whether for work, entertainment, or staying connected with loved ones. But what happens when your trusty device suffers the unfortunate fate of a cracked screen? The sight of those unsightly fractures can be disheartening, but fear not! This guide will show you how to fix a broken computer screen and get your old computer back in working order.


Quick Tips to Get Started

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of screen repair, here are some quick tips to keep in mind:

  1. Check Out the Damage: First, look at the crack’s size. Is it minor or severe? This will help you determine the appropriate course of action.
  2. Backup Your Data: Always back up your important data before attempting any repairs or adjustments. This ensures you will retain valuable information in case something goes wrong.
  3. Consider Temporary Solutions: If the crack is minor and you can’t immediately fix it, consider using clear tape or a screen protector to prevent further damage.

Now, let’s delve into fixing a cracked computer screen.


Assessing the Damage

Identifying the Extent of the Crack

The first step in dealing with a cracked computer screen is to understand the nature and extent of the damage. Examine the screen closely to determine the following:

  • Location: Where is the crack situated on the screen? Is it near the edges or in the center?
  • Size: Find out how long and how wide the crack is.
  • Type: Is it a simple surface crack or a deeper, more complex fracture?
  • Spread: Does the crack seem to be spreading or stable?

This assessment will help you decide whether the screen can be repaired at home or requires professional intervention.

Checking for Underlying Issues

Cracks in computer screens can sometimes be a symptom of deeper underlying issues. It’s essential to inspect your device for potential problems, such as:

  • Loose internal connections: A loose or damaged internal cable can sometimes affect the screen’s performance.
  • Hardware damage: Cracks may extend beyond the screen, affecting other components like the motherboard or graphics card.
  • Software issues: Screen problems can be caused by software glitches or driver conflicts.

If you suspect any of these issues, it might be wise to consult a professional technician for a thorough diagnosis.


Temporary Solutions

While a cracked screen should ideally be repaired promptly, there are some temporary solutions you can employ to make your device usable until a more permanent fix is possible.

Using Clear Tape or Screen Protectors

For minor cracks or small chips in the screen, clear packing tape or a screen protector can serve as a temporary barrier to prevent further damage. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Clean the screen thoroughly to remove any dust or debris.
  2. Carefully apply a strip of clear packing tape over the crack, ensuring it’s smooth and free of air bubbles.
  3. Trim any excess tape to ensure it doesn’t interfere with the device’s functionality.

Remember that this temporary solution won’t restore the screen to its original condition.

Adjusting Display Settings for Usability

If the crack impairs your ability to see the screen clearly, consider making some adjustments to your display settings:

  1. Resolution: Lowering the screen resolution can make the content more readable, although it may appear slightly pixelated.
  2. Brightness and Contrast: Adjusting these settings can help improve visibility, especially if the crack affects the screen’s backlight.
  3. Orientation: If the crack is near the edges of the screen, try rotating the display to position the damaged area out of your line of sight.

Using an External Monitor as a Temporary Workaround

You can connect your laptop to a separate computer or TV with an HDMI or VGA port. This will allow you to use your computer with a functional screen while you work on a more permanent solution. Connect the external monitor, go to your computer’s display settings, and select the external monitor as your primary display.

While these temporary solutions can help you continue using your computer, they should not be a long-term fix. It’s essential to address the cracked screen properly to prevent further damage and ensure the device’s longevity.


DIY Screen Repair (for Minor Cracks)

If you’re comfortable with DIY projects and have identified the crack as minor, you may attempt to repair the screen yourself. However, remember that this option comes with some risks, and it’s crucial to proceed cautiously.

Necessary Tools and Materials

Before you start, get the following things ready:

  • Replacement screen: Purchase a replacement screen that matches your computer’s make and model. Prices vary depending on the device but range from $50 to $200.
  • Screwdriver set: You’ll need a set of screwdrivers to open your laptop or computer and access the screen. A precision screwdriver set costs around $10 to $20.
  • Anti-static mats and wrist straps are essential to prevent static discharge that could damage sensitive internal components. A basic anti-static mat and wrist strap kit costs around $15 to $20.
  • Cleaning supplies: Microfiber cloths, isopropyl alcohol, and screen cleaner to clean the screen and work area.
  • Double-sided adhesive tape: To secure the new screen, you’ll need double-sided adhesive tape, which costs around $5 to $10.
  • Patience and caution: DIY screen repair can be challenging, so take your time and follow instructions carefully.


Step-by-Step Instructions for Patching Minor Cracks

Remember that these directions are just suggestions; they may work differently on your computer. Consult your device’s user manual or online resources for detailed instructions tailored to your laptop or computer.

  1. Safety First: Before you begin, ensure your computer is powered off and disconnected from any power sources.
  2. Access the Screen: Remove the laptop’s battery (if possible) and open the device’s casing. This typically involves removing screws and carefully prying open the case. Use an anti-static mat and wrist strap to prevent static discharge.
  3. Detach the Old Screen: Gently disconnect the cables and connectors attached to the old screen, taking note of their positions. Remove the old screen from its housing.
  4. Prepare the New Screen: Place the new screen face-down on a clean surface. Carefully remove any protective film and clean the screen with isopropyl alcohol and a microfiber cloth.
  5. Attach the New Screen: Carefully attach the new screen to the laptop’s housing, ensuring it’s positioned correctly. Use double-sided adhesive tape to secure the screen in place.
  6. Reconnect Cables: Reattach the cables and connectors to the new screen, following your notes. Ensure all connections are secure.
  7. Test the Screen: Power on your computer and test the new screen to ensure it functions correctly. Look for any abnormal colors, flickering, or dead pixels.
  8. Reassemble the Device: Once you’re confident the new screen is working correctly, reassemble the device by closing the casing, securing it with screws, and reinserting the battery (if applicable).
  9. Final Cleanup: Clean the screen and casing thoroughly with screen cleaner and a microfiber cloth to remove any smudges or fingerprints.
  10. Dispose of the Old Screen: Properly dispose of the old cracked screen, following local electronic waste disposal guidelines.

Remember that fixing your screen yourself can be hard, and you could void your guarantee if you do it wrong, so be careful. If you need clarification on any step or encounter difficulties, it’s advisable to seek professional assistance.


Professional Screen Repair

While DIY repairs are an option for some, many prefer to leave screen repairs to the experts, especially for major cracks or when the device is under warranty. Here’s how to go about seeking professional help.

Researching and Selecting a Reputable Repair Service

When choosing a professional screen repair service, consider the following factors:

  1. Reputation: For good work and great customer service, look for repair shops or experts with a good name. Take a look at reviews online and ask friends or coworkers for advice.
  2. Certification: Ensure the technician or repair shop is certified and experienced in handling your specific computer model.
  3. Warranty: Inquire about any warranties or guarantees for the repair. A reputable repair service should stand behind their work.
  4. Cost: Request a quote for the repair and compare it to other providers. Remember that the cost of getting something fixed by a professional can vary greatly based on the device and the damage.

Cost Considerations and Potential Warranties

The cost of professional screen repair can vary significantly depending on several factors:

  • Device Type: Different types of computers (laptops, desktops, tablets) may have varying repair costs.
  • Screen Size: Larger screens generally cost more to replace than smaller ones.
  • Device Brand and Model: Repair costs can differ based on the brand and model of your device, with Apple products typically being on the higher end of the price spectrum.
  • Extent of Damage: Major cracks or damage may require more extensive repairs, impacting the overall cost.

As of my last update in September 2021, professional screen repairs could range from $100 to $400 or more. Prices may have changed since then, so obtaining quotes from local repair shops or authorized service centers is essential.

It’s also worth noting that some repair services may offer warranties on the replaced screen or the repair work itself. Before proceeding, inquire about warranty coverage and understand its terms and conditions.


Prevention Tips

Preventing a cracked computer screen is far easier and more cost-effective than dealing with a broken one. Here are some tips to help you protect your device from future damage:

Protective Measures to Avoid Future Damage

  1. Use a Laptop Sleeve or Case: Use a protective sleeve or case to shield your laptop from potential bumps and impacts.
  2. Screen Protectors: Consider applying a tempered glass screen protector to your laptop or tablet’s screen. These can absorb impacts and protect the underlying screen.
  3. Proper Storage: When not in use, store your laptop safely, away from potential hazards like liquids, extreme temperatures, or heavy objects.
  4. Avoid High-Risk Areas: Keep your laptop away from high-risk areas where it’s more likely to be knocked over or dropped.
  5. Regular Cleaning: Clean your screen regularly with a soft, lint-free cloth to remove dust and debris, which can cause scratches over time.
  6. Use a Keyboard Cover: If you’re concerned about spills, consider using a keyboard cover to protect the keyboard and prevent liquids from seeping into the device.

Proper Cleaning and Maintenance

Maintaining your computer’s screen in good condition is key to preventing cracks and other issues. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Use the Right Cleaning Materials: Always use a microfiber cloth or screen cleaning kit for electronics to clean your screen. Stay away from rough things that could scratch the skin.
  2. Power Off Before Cleaning: Turn off your device before cleaning the screen to prevent damage and ensure a clear view of smudges and dirt.
  3. Gently Wipe the Screen: Apply gentle pressure when wiping the screen to avoid damaging the delicate surface.
  4. Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Do not clean the screen with strong chemicals or rough cloths, as they can damage the protective coatings.

Choosing a Durable Laptop or Computer Screen

When purchasing a new laptop or computer, consider the durability of the screen as a factor. Look for devices with the following features:

  • Gorilla Glass: Some laptops come with Gorilla Glass screens, known for their toughness and scratch resistance.
  • Solid Build Quality: Opt for laptops with sturdy construction and a well-protected screen, especially if you’re prone to accidents.
  • Impact Resistance: Some laptops are designed to be more impact-resistant, which can reduce the likelihood of screen damage in case of a fall or bump.



A cracked computer screen can be a frustrating setback, but it’s a problem that can be addressed with the right knowledge and approach. Whether you attempt a DIY repair for minor cracks or seek the expertise of a professional technician, the key is to act promptly to prevent further damage.

Remember that prevention is the best strategy. By taking protective measures, practicing proper cleaning and maintenance, and selecting durable devices, you can significantly reduce the risk of screen damage and ensure your computer remains a reliable companion for years.


Recommended Tools and Materials

Item Price Range
Replacement screen $50 – $200+
Screwdriver set $10 – $20
Anti-static mat and wrist strap $15 – $20
Cleaning supplies (cloth, alcohol) $5 – $10
Double-sided adhesive tape $5 – $10


Prices may differ depending on where you live and the brand or grade of the goods you buy. Before you buy something, you should always check the price.

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